Welcome to the nonprofit

Center for Collaborative Sharing, Inc.'s

Collaborative University!

Step into a world where learning generates prosperity, sharing is celebrated, and collaboration fuels success.

Whether you're embarking on the journey to financial empowerment, seeking a fulfilling career change, or contributing as a seasoned expert in your field, Collaborative University is your sanctuary for mastering the art and science of building wealth through strategic business ownership.

Embrace the power of a 21st-century mindset geared towards collaborative success.

At Collaborative University, we are dedicated to equipping you with the tools, knowledge, and community support essential for your growth and prosperity.

Come collaborate with us to make the world a better place through Sharing Capitalism™—and build wealth doing it.

Your Success Begins with the CFA Training Course

Here you'll discover the most comprehensive training available for people like you who want to excel in the franchising industry.

Dr. Robert A. Needham, Director of Education at the Center for Collaborative Sharing, Inc. (CFCS), has created a course that will train you in every aspect of the franchising industry and how to use strategies of multiple business ownership to build wealth for your clients as well as yourself.

Get yourself ready for true business success with this rigorous course—it's like getting your MBA with an emphasis in Franchising!

Explore the CFA Training Course

Your Success Continues on the Team at Collaborative Franchise Systems

CFS is a team of collaborative experts who help people Escape Economic Slavery and build wealth through strategic business ownership.

Already a member of our CFS Team?

Welcome! You're in the right place.

Want to join us as a CFS Team Member?

A warm welcome to you too! The CFA Training Course is your place to start.

Contact Us for More Information

Your success is personal at CFCS Collaborative University

Are you struggling to build wealth? Has your road to business success gotten longer and lonelier for you? Do your dreams feel out of reach these days?

You're in the right place. Here at Collaborative University you can learn to turn the struggles of building wealth through business ownership into greater freedom and shared success through collaboration. 

Meet Robert, your new instructor for (and author of) Escaping Economic Slavery. 

Robert A. Needham, JD, PhD is no ordinary guy. Dr. Needham's life's work is all about helping people just like you learn to thrive through sharing, collaboration and business success. 

Dr. Needham is the Founder and CEO of Collaborative Franchise Systems LLC, and SPECTRUM Advanced Markets, Inc., Education Director for the non-profit Center for Collaborative Sharing, Inc., a veteran of 14 NASA shuttle ascent missions, a thought leader for what he calls Sharing Capitalism™️ and the author of 23 books (including Escaping Economic Slavery: A Journey from Scarcity to Abundance through Sharing Capitalism). 

You too can benefit from what Dr. Needham teaches and learn to apply it in your life and your business—for greater success and wealth through collaboration! 

Contact Us for More Information
Dr. Robert Needham wearing glasses, with white hair, smiling, in a blue button down shirt and navy suit jacket, head shot photo from mid torso up.

You Can Own Your Life

Instead of Renting It!

  • Don't just hold a job where you earn an income just to spend it to live.
  • Don't just replace your job with self-employment income to keep trading your time for money.
  • Don't just buy property or invest in stocks for the usual small returns on your investment.
  • And don't own just one business.
Instead, learn to:

Build Wealth through Strategic Business Ownership

Let us show you how. Claim your free ebook by Dr. Robert A. Needham, Solving the Puzzle of Owning a Franchise, and get started for free. Subscribe below to download your free copy.
Book cover for Solving the Puzzle of Owning a Franchise: Stop Renting Your Life and Start Owning It Instead! by Robert A. Needham, JD, PhD
Launch of STS-58 Space Shuttle Columbia, NASA Photo ID: sts058-s-090

Claim Your Free eBook

Your dreams deserve rocket fuel.

When you learn to build wealth through strategic business ownership, you create rocket fuel for your dreams.

Get expert guidance from former NASA scientist and franchising industry expert Dr. Robert A. Needham.  Dr. Needham is a business economist, the thought leader behind Sharing Capitalism™, author of 23 books, and a veteran of 1000+ franchise sales.

Dr. Needham's ebook, Solving the Puzzle of Owning a Franchise, has helped hundreds of people just like you Escape Economic Slavery.  

Subscribe to download your free ebook.

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We keep your information private and you can unsubscribe at any time.

[Photo Credit:  Launch of STS-58 Space Shuttle Columbia, NASA ID: sts058-s-090]